The health and wellbeing of our patients and staff has always been – and will continue to be- our top priority
Given the rate of spread of the novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) and the effect the virus is having on a vulnerable part of our population, we have implemented several safe guard measures to enhance the protection of our valued patients and our staff.
We are closely following the advice of Australian medical authorities and the World Health Organisation (WHO) regarding precautions that are needed to minimise risks concerned with COVID-19.
We’re ensuring our staff maintain high hygiene standards in our entire clinic, this includes practicing the appropriate hand sanitising and washing and patient screening.
We have increased the frequency and intensity of our already vigilant cleaning practices using the appropriate cleaning products and methods to help reduce the risk of possible harmful viruses
In turn, we ask that – if you experience any symptoms of unwellness (fever/cough/sore throat/shortness of breath), please cancel your appointment and stay home. Even if you feel well, please call (or go online to reschedule your appointment if you are currently awaiting test results for COVID-19.
We encourage our patients to wear masks and keep up to date with the latest COVID-19 information by visiting the Department of Health, WHO, or Smart Traveller and ensure you get plenty of rest and sleep, hydration, healthy food and support those around you.